Step One
Questions are determined by the spin of the “ Tractor Drive Wheel “ and the value of each question is determined by the spin of the “ Front Steering Wheel”
step two
After the question is read the first player to hit their red button “locks out” the other player’s buttons.
If the correct answer is given, a bell rings the team receives the points.
Step three
If the answer is wrong, a buzzer sounds and anyone in the audience has a chance to answer. When someone in the audience gets the correct answer, they receive a prize. The points get added to the Bonus Bale.
step four
There are 3 rounds of trivia play during the game. Each round is timed by a countdown timer and lasts 5-6 minutes from the time that the wheel is spun at the beginning of each round. When the time is up, the team with the highest score, Is the winner and moves into the semifinal round. The semifinalists play the game of “Ultimate Chicken”. At this stage it is all up to luck!
the winner!
The winner goes in the “ CASH CAB” and grabs “ Ag-Bucks” out of the air. A prize is awarded based on how many Ag-Bucks have been collected.
bonus bale
If the wheel lands on the picture of the HAYBALE, the bonus bale DICE is rolled ( by the wheel spinner ). That will determine which team receives the points that are currently on the BONUS BALE. If the wheel lands on the picture of the flat tire, the bonus bale gets zeroed out. The bale will gain points again as the round continues.
Wheel question categories

Questions are about anything found in a barn or things that are stored in a barn such as a tractor, tools, animals, feed, etc. The host can toss the question to the DJ and the DJ can play a sound effect from one of the tools in the barn such as a saw or hammer.
Questions about state or local agriculture.
Questions about animals Or, DJ can play an Animal sound to guess.
These are questions about food groups, or crop groups (fruits, vegetables ). We may also ask about the Name of a group, Such as a “Flock “of geese or a “Herd” of cows.

Music Notes
DJ plays a song and contestants guess what it is.
Points get added to the bonus bale.

flat tire
Bonus bale gets zeroed out.
A very liberal category…. It can be questions about anything having to do with a farm or anything produced on it. Likewise, there can be questions about things OFF the farm, that you may not realize originated from a farm. For example, a shirt was made from COTTON grown on a farm..
Questions about plants and crops.
DJ plays a sound effect to guess.

hay bale
When the wheel lands on this, the Bonus Bale Dice is rolled, and the point accumulated on the bonus bale display gets awarded to the team the dice lands on!